Saturday, May 14, 2016

#HealingPurrsPawty Friday, 13th 2016 - RESCHEDULED

Me so terrible sorry... becoz of technical problemz n in add too much ongoin private difficultiez, da #HealingPurrsPawty,  betta said da important HonorCall of all palz, who recently went OTRB, couldz notz b held last Furday, 13f 2016...
APOLOGISE 2 everybody/efurrypawdy!!

On diz way HUGE FANX 2 our bestiez
Nutmeg's Crew @catgirl321
Angel Bode n mom @4Catsstrapski
HPP Helper @healingpurrs
Miss Dana @danapixie
who were nevadalezz dere last Furday 2 save da situation n posted songz n picciez n gave comfort 2 all, who asked fur!! *very leaky eyez* Yoo r simply da best of da bestest!! LUVZ YOO ALL SOOO MUCHLIEZ, me purreciouz furiendz!!

Da regular #HealingPurrsPawty from last Furday 13f 2016 - including da HonorCall - iz now rescheduled 2

Wednesday, 20f 2016
(5pm - 11pm EST)

Da next #HealingPurrsPawty's willz b held den - az usual - efurry Furday, so already diz Furday, 22nd 2016 too!!
(... wif all mew Angels from last Furday 2 next Furday)

Hopez 2 c yoo all dere...

MUCH LUV, squeeziez n purrz,